opinionJanuary 27, 2021

I recently received my first COVID vaccination. The entire process was well organized and implemented. From parking to registration and even the post-injection monitoring time, it was all handled very well. Some complain about the vaccine rollout. But locally, health care teams are doing a great job of getting vaccines distributed as quickly and efficiently as they can. Also, thanks to the Trump administration to helping make the vaccine possible in less than a year...

Vaccine rollout

I recently received my first COVID vaccination. The entire process was well organized and implemented. From parking to registration and even the post-injection monitoring time, it was all handled very well. Some complain about the vaccine rollout. But locally, health care teams are doing a great job of getting vaccines distributed as quickly and efficiently as they can. Also, thanks to the Trump administration to helping make the vaccine possible in less than a year.

Education reform

Our education system needs reform. For decades it has been deteriorating. Many students graduate from high school unprepared for life. They have been taught if you don't have a college education you are a failure. They go through 12 years of school without being accountable. They are passed on to the next grade whether they have learned anything or not. The expectations for them have been lowered with No Child Left Behind. There is a great need for employees in the trades. Most are good paying jobs. We should be teaching our students to prepare for life. There is no doubt that a college degree will benefit students their entire life, but many students end up with low paying jobs and in debt with no way to pay their student loans. We should be preparing students for their life after high school. Encourage students to make choices that will better their lives.

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Trump and history

The history books will most likely read that Donald J. Trump hurt his own causes every chance he got. Much as the pro-Trump commenters on semissourian.com claim that the Democrats forced his errors. Only the most rapid fans refuse to see his missteps. If DJT had surrounded himself with the "best" people and stayed off Twitter even half of the time, he would be celebrating his second inauguration this week. Oh, and if he hadn't failed utterly in the biggest challenge of his term as the U.S. marks the Covid-19 death count hitting 400,000 this week.

School choice

This is National School Choice Week. I wish more legislators at both the state and national level would push to give parents more choices when it comes to their children's education. Those who can afford to send their kids to private schools do. But those at the middle and lower ends of the income scale are less likely to have the means to do so. Let the money follow the student. If the parent wants to send their child to public school, then great. But give them the option.

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